Available now direct :::

::: Sovetskaya Gone - 'Smiling Skies on the Backs of Airplanes' c24 :::
Cylindrical Habitat Modules [Twenty-Seventh Module tape]"A perfect summer grip; three tracks of melodic synth composition reflecting various moods. Side A holds a dejected, proggy loner jam that sounds like it should be performed by a full orchestra, and a brief outburst of blown-out drones and weird minimal pulses. Side B's sole track follows a notably Froese-ian arpeggio in a serene come-down that definitely sounds in line with some of the current Cleveland sounds. The whole recording has a specific, straightforward vibe that is interlaced by tastefully out-of-key segments that are extremely characteristic and endearing in a head-scratching way."
--- CHM 80 copies on labeled trans orange tapes with full color artwork.
Copies are $7 US // $9 World
Email to reserve a copy - sovetskayagavan at yahoo dot com
Copies of the Ossining lp "I Will Be Missed" are still readily available.
Very very small quantities of the Ossining 'Agitate the Gravel' 3" cdr are available direct from me, as well as the S.Gone Anathema Sound cs, Ossining/Afterlife split cs on Stunned, and the Ossining s/t Digitalis cassette.